Ok, so I'm terribly behind but I've been really busy of late and struggling to watch and catch up on the episodes I miss. It's a little disappointing but I do what I can and watch what I can and I'm still love, love, loving it all! I am going to change up the way I write my reviews, I'm going to write a prose regarding each room now rather than a break down of each area.
So week three, another two room week but this week it was one bedroom and the powder room in the kitchen. I was with Dan though in saying it's a little off putting to have a toilet in the kitchen but it was the best way to get a loo on the lower level...... Also a week of spats with everyone being in crappy moods and becoming comfortable enough with each other to "debate" certain decisions..... :-P
Dan and Dani's Powder Room and Bedroom

The BLUE room!! I looooooved it! Yes it was a big, rich and deep colour and yes it made the room seem smaller than paler walls would have but it was so warm and inviting and comfortable. Ahh! It was so exciting! The pale curtains and bed linen plus the white and mirrored cupboard doors broke it up a lot and the splashes of colour were perfect. Though I think they could have done the bed for much less than the $3000 they spent!! The lamp, the chair, the pendant and the bedside table worked perfectly! But I agree a second bedside table and lamp was needed despite the tiny space.
Exposed brick was the popular choice for this room and it is magnificent! I also love the small white toilet and basin and the shiny chrome accessories. And yep, the pendant light is a huge tick for me :-)
My score
Yes, both these rooms were a bit pokey but I believe that the couple have done a lot with such small spaces. I love their bold colour and modern designs and these rooms looked like they came straight out of a magazine shoot! However again their style is extremely modern and bold and may clash with the idea of a terrace house....
Mike and Andrew's Powder Room and Bedroom

The boys went all out for their funky kids bedroom. The white walls are ok here as there are a lot of 'bits' on the wall
(not visible in the photo) The 55' television and the cute tree and rope ladder and I love the hand prints :-) There's lots of shelving and cupboard space and a little desk for a laptop which is exactly what you need in a kids room. The built in bunk............ It's just so permanent, the people who buy this house may not have kids and this might not work for them.... I think they would have been better off just buying some nice bunks with a single on top and double on the bottom. Also I would have gone more a navy colour for the carpet to match the blinds and the colour scheme of the room.
A very plain and simple design but these boys love greys in their wet rooms and of course the mirrored walls. It really does open the space but is the loo a place you really want a full body shot of yourself?
My Vote
I am a fan, rather neutral and plain though. I probably wouldn't have done the grey going up the walls in the powder room as it's a bit dark for such a tiny space. A white, cream or taupe would have been better. The bedroom is funky and practical and hopefully their potential buyers have kids.
Brad and Lara's Powder Room and Bedroom
Again, soft and neutral with the original period features I love. This room gives me relaxed feelings. With all this extra space they're able to do so much more with their rooms and I'm jealous on behalf of the other teams! Walk in Robe!! Yay, two walk in robes in one house, that's great! The bulkhead is interesting and I think I like it. It hides away the robe and creates extra storage space. I'm also so jealous of the fireplace, imagine snuggling up in that bed with a fire.......

The exposed brick again! :-) Though with the grey tiles.... I'm not sure if I like it or not..... I love, love, love the toilet/basin, it's such a great idea. I've used these toilet's overseas and the water you use to wash your hands is then stored as the water to be used for the flush. Such a water saver!! And of course a mirror is great but a bench, even a tiny one, would make make-up adjustment a little easier. I do also agree with the builder that moving the vent to next to the toilet rather than cutting through the beautiful red brick would have been a much better choice!
My Vote
The bedroom is amazing! So big, lush and relaxing! The walk in robe, the fireplace, the bulk head, it's almost like a second master bedroom. I agree with the judges that more was needed on the walls and on the shelves but I love the bed styling. I also think a little more storage could have been added in the walk in robe as there's a lot of wasted space in there. In the powder room I most definitely would have also done the toilet/basin combo as it gives you more space and less water wastage. And the exposed brick absolutely rocks!!
Sophie and Dale's Powder Room and Bedroom
I really liked this bedroom, although I do think that some of the decoration on the furniture was a bit much and swapping it out for a bit more wall art would have worked better. I loved the wardrobes and the shelves, it is all very functional. The bench seat is lovely and all the extra space underneath is brilliant. I agree that the little desk was a bit redundant and just a bit of a waste of space in this room. I love, love, love the soft furnishings though.

Aha, exposed brick! I'm loving it with the white walls and timber look floor but still not a fan of the blue skirting, as in their other rooms!! I like the sink and tiny shelf but I think the doorway is just too small for normal sized people to be comfortable..... Also what is that little cut out above the flush button?
My Score
This couple struggled with the judges this week and received the chump awards for the week but I don't see it, there's lots of innovation and design here and a lovely use of space and colour. These are tiny spaces and I think with the removal of the desk and the shelf in the powder room they would have fared better in the judging. I think this couples retro style is becoming a lot more sophisticated and a lot less sharehousey. Their colour scheme is really taking off too!
So I have two more weeks to get through to catch up on but now I'm going to scour pinterest for my 'what I would have done' post to come soon... xxoo